
Rotation Matrix

When discussing a rotation, there are two possible conventions: rotation of the axes, and rotation of the object relative to fixed axes.


In R^2, consider the matrix that rotates a given vector v_0 by a counterclockwise angle theta in a fixed coordinate system. Then

 R_theta=[costheta -sintheta; sintheta costheta],



This is the convention used by the Wolfram Language command RotationMatrix[theta].


On the other hand, consider the matrix that rotates the coordinate system through a counterclockwise angle theta. The coordinates of the fixed vector v in the rotated coordinate system are now given by a rotation matrix which is the transpose of the fixed-axis matrix and, as can be seen in the above diagram, is equivalent to rotating the vector by a counterclockwise angle of -theta relative to a fixed set of axes, giving

 R_theta^'=[costheta sintheta; -sintheta costheta].

This is the convention commonly used in textbooks such as Arfken (1985, p. 195).

In R^3, coordinate system rotations of the x-, y-, and z-axes in a counterclockwise direction when looking towards the origin give the matrices

R_x(alpha)=[1 0 0; 0 cosalpha sinalpha; 0 -sinalpha cosalpha]
R_y(beta)=[cosbeta 0 -sinbeta; 0 1 0; sinbeta 0 cosbeta]
R_z(gamma)=[cosgamma singamma 0; -singamma cosgamma 0; 0 0 1]

(Goldstein 1980, pp. 146-147 and 608; Arfken 1985, pp. 199-200).

Any rotation can be given as a composition of rotations about three axes (Euler's rotation theorem), and thus can be represented by a 3×3 matrix operating on a vector,

 [x_1^'; x_2^'; x_3^']=[a_(11) a_(12) a_(13); a_(21) a_(22) a_(23); a_(31) a_(32) a_(33)][x_1; x_2; x_3].

We wish to place conditions on this matrix so that it is consistent with an orthogonal transformation (basically, a rotation or improper rotation).

In a rotation, a vector must keep its original length, so it must be true that


for i=1, 2, 3, where Einstein summation is being used. Therefore, from the transformation equation,


This can be rearranged to


In order for this to hold, it must be true that


for j,k=1, 2, 3, where delta_(ij) is the Kronecker delta. This is known as the orthogonality condition, and it guarantees that




where A^(T) is the transpose and I is the identity matrix. Equation (15) is the identity which gives the orthogonal matrix its name. Orthogonal matrices have special properties which allow them to be manipulated and identified with particular ease.

Let A and B be two orthogonal matrices. By the orthogonality condition, they satisfy




where delta_(ij) is the Kronecker delta. Now


so the product C=AB of two orthogonal matrices is also orthogonal.

The eigenvalues of an orthogonal rotation matrix must satisfy one of the following:

1. All eigenvalues are 1.

2. One eigenvalue is 1 and the other two are -1.

3. One eigenvalue is 1 and the other two are complex conjugates of the form e^(itheta) and e^(-itheta).

An orthogonal matrix A is classified as proper (corresponding to pure rotation) if


where det(A) is the determinant of A, or improper (corresponding to inversion with possible rotation; improper rotation) if


See also

Euler Angles, Euler Parameters, Euler's Rotation Theorem, Rotation, Rotation Formula Explore this topic in the MathWorld classroom

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Arfken, G. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd ed. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, 1985.Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1980.

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Rotation Matrix

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Rotation Matrix." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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