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Three Major Inflection Points for Sourcing Bluetooth Intellectual PropertyBy Charles Dittmer, Sr Product Manager, Synopsys Synopsys is now shipping support for Bluetooth® 5.4, the latest specification from the Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group). The enhancements in Bluetooth 5.4 will open additional markets and use cases. This is one of the many inflection points in the Bluetooth Low Energy market that will be discussed in this paper. ![]() One thing I have learned over my entire career in delivering multiple wireless products is that the world never stands still. Continued advancements in silicon technology, enhancements to the various wireless standards and the continuous leapfrogging of the technology providers drives us all to constantly re-evaluate how and who we select for technology sourcing. These technology sourcing decisions can be traced back to inflection points that occur in the market or to technology advancements and enhancements. This article will specifically focus on Bluetooth Low Energy (*) or “BLE” by examining the following 3 types of inflection points in the BLE market:
(*) Originally BLE was branded as “Bluetooth Smart” but use of this name has all but disappeared. Continued additions in BLE enhancements The Bluetooth SIG is celebrating its 25th year anniversary this year and Bluetooth, specifically BLE, is alive and well and continuing to evolve. As seen in Figure 1 below, annual shipments continue to grow at a CAGR of 9% with over 5 billion units expected to ship in 2023, and a forecasted annual shipment of well over 7 billion by 2027. It is important to note that platform shipments remain basically flat during this 10-year timeline. Platform devices are things we usually call “host” devices such as PCs, tablets and mobile phones. To stay compatible with legacy Bluetooth peripheral devices in the field, these platforms almost always support both the older Bluetooth BR/EDR or what we call “Bluetooth Classic,” as well as the newer Bluetooth Low Energy protocol. The most notable trend is that all the growth is in peripheral devices. These devices are primarily “BLE only” and are mainly driven by both BLE’s low power characteristics for battery-powered devices as well as new enhancements being added to the BLE feature set. Figure 1: Bluetooth Platform & Peripheral Device Shipments Historically, a new Bluetooth specification has been released about every 1.5 to 2 years, with each specification release usually containing three to four new enhancements. These features may range from minor improvements to major step functions driving significant growth opportunities or “inflection points.” Let’s look at the more significant changes in Bluetooth specifications:
So what are the next inflection points for Bluetooth Low Energy? We look forward to three significant enhancement that are currently being defined in the working groups.
The last section of the paper will discuss how these upcoming enhancements will change the complexion of Bluetooth sourcing decisions. Make vs buy Every silicon vendor is challenged with the decision to either design various functional blocks of their SoC in-house or license existing design blocks of “IP” (Intellectual property) from 3rd party suppliers. Most all silicon vendors license several IP blocks to build their SoC. This includes CPU cores, interconnect systems, memory controllers, security elements, and a variety of wired interfaces. Why should BLE be any different? When it comes to Bluetooth IP, we have seen a significant uptake in the last couple of years from silicon vendors making the decision to license already proven BLE solutions vs. expending their expensive internal engineering resources to design it in-house. This is yet another inflection point in delivering BLE devices to market. Synopsys has BLE design wins for our RFPHY (radio) and Link Layer Controller from several tier 1 silicon vendors who have been in the BLE business for several years. Why is that? The are several factors driving the trend to “buy” or license BLE IP.
Whatever the reasons or criteria you might have for doing a ”Make vs Buy” analysis it is certain that there has been a recent inflection point in sourcing BLE solutions by shifting to licensing from 3rd party IP solutions. Upcoming BLE enhancements will drive changes in vendor sourcing decisions I have already spoken about new BLE enhancement on the near horizon, starting with the new specification planned for mid-2024 supporting Channel Sounding. To appreciate this discussion, we must first look at the various layers in a “BLE Stack” that create a full BLE solution. The full BLE stack can be broken down to almost a dozen separate levels or functions but, in its simplest form, there are three basic elements as shown in Figure 2. These are the three IP blocks usually licensed by 3rd party BLE IP vendors. Figure 2: Bluetooth Low Energy Stack
The inflection point changing vendor sourcing decisions can be found in the details of the upcoming Bluetooth specification. Figure 3 shows the various Bluetooth Standards from BT5.0 in 2016 to the planned enhancement over the next 3-4 years. Figure 3: Bluetooth Specification Timeline Enhancements added in the BT5.0 through BT5.4 specifications affected either the digital Link Layer and/or the Host SW stack. This required changes to digital logic or software but it did not affect the RFPHY design. The net result is the RFPHY used to support BT5.0 remained unchanged through BT5.4. The game changer going forward is each of the major upcoming enhancements shown will require design modifications to the RFPHY and the Link Layer that controls it. As noted in Figure 2, the Link Layer Controller and the RFHY together create something that the Bluetooth SIG defines as the “Controller Subsystem”. This is because the RFPHY and the Controller are tightly coupled to form this sub-system. How the Controller and RFPHY work together to support these new features is very critical and can be time dependent. Unlike the HCI interface, there is no defined standard as to how the RFPHY and Link Layer Controller interact with each other. This creates a fairly time consuming and iterative integration process adding significant risk in supporting these new standards if you source the RFPHY and Link Layer Controller from two different 3rd party IP vendors. There will certainly be some incompatibility across vendors creating a pause for concern if this married pair is not sourced from a single vendor. Synopsys is actively working on all of the new and upcoming Bluetooth specifications and will support them in the time frame of their release. Our RFPHYs and Link Layer Controllers have industry leading power, performance and area (PPA) specifications. Sourcing both the RFPHY and Link Layer Controller from Synopsys will greatly reduce the risk in supporting these new Bluetooth enhancements. To learn more, visit: www.synopsys.com/bluetooth or contact your local Synopsys sale representative to get started. If you wish to download a copy of this white paper, click here
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