D&R Industry Articles (January 2006)
Articles for the Week of January 30, 2006
Additional Articles- ESL Requirements for Configurable Processor-based Embedded System Design
- I/O planning ensures IC packaging success
- Find out what's really inside the iPod; Reuse of components is a good design practice for similar applications, including mobile handsets
Articles for the Week of January 23, 2006
Additional Articles- Building a Total Quality Experience into Silicon IP - Delivering DesignWare Silicon IP into SoC Designs
- Fabless start-up companies face myriad operational challenges
- Dealing with the design challenges of multicore embedded systems
- Optimizing DSP functions in advanced FPGA architectures
- Market-Driven Open-Cores SoC-Experience
- Chip assembly challenges and solutions
Articles for the Week of January 16, 2006
Additional Articles- FPGAs and Structured ASICs: Low-Risk SoC for the Masses
- Using dual port interconnect to resolve multiprocessor system bottlenecks
- Meeting signal integrity requirements in FPGAs with high-end memory interfaces
- Integrating a Multi-Vendor ESL-to-Silicon Design Flow Using SPIRIT
- How to choose custom IC design tools
Articles for the Week of January 9, 2006
Additional Articles- Designing a CE-ATA Verification Environment for SoC Applications
- Putting multicore processing in context: Part One
- On-chip di/dt Detector IP for Power Supply
Articles for the Week of January 2, 2006
Additional Articles- Using software synthesis for multiprocessor OS and software development
- Time to find a bug in a system build around a big SoC
- Better Products, Happier Customers with Current-Based Simulation/Verification and the Open Core Protocol
- A NoC-Based Communication Framework for Seamless IP Integration in Complex Systems
- Power optimization can extend the battery life in your portable multimedia system
- Developing DSP code on converged hybrid DSP/RISC cores
- Maximizing performance in FPGA systems