USB4 Gen3X2 and DP1.4 X4 PHY IP with Type-C connector support
AHB Cache Controller Core
The cache controller core supports a four-way associative cache memory, and implements a Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement policy. The number of cache lines and the cache line width are configurable at synthesis time. The core only caches read accesses and invalidates the cached data if a write access to a cached memory location occurs.
Mapping the cache controller to any technology is straightforward, as the core does not require any special type of SRAM modules, only using standard, single-ported SRAMs. Furthermore, the design is scan-ready as it uses only rising-edge triggered flip-flops and contains no internal tri-states. Integration of the core is trouble-free, as the core uses standard 32-bit AHB interfaces, and supports clock gating.
The CACHE-CTRL core has been robustly verified and is silicon-proven.
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