Pre-verified Interface IP Subsystems reduce design risk and accelerate time-to-market
ONFI 4.1 I/O Pad Set
ODT / driver impedance calibration cell, and the voltage reference
cell to support both single-ended and differential ONFI 4.1 signaling.
This library also meets the requirements for ONFI 3.0 & Toggle 2.0
signaling. The pad set includes a full complement of power, spacer,
and adapter cells to assemble a complete pad ring by abutment. An
included rail splitter allows isolated ONFI domains to be placed in
the same pad ring with other power domains while maintaining
continuous VDD/VSS in the pad ring for robust ESD protection. Ported from our TSMC 16 silicon proven design.
▪ ONFI 4.1 Single-Ended Driver /Receiver
▪ ONFI 4.1 Differential Clock Driver / Receiver
▪ ODT / ZO Calibration Cell
▪ Voltage Reference
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